The Parish Council is funded from the electorate by means of what is referred to as its Precept which is in simple terminology that part of the Council Tax which is collected on behalf of the Parish Council. This represents a small part of the overall Council Tax and it is set by the Parish Council each year usually at its meeting in December.
The calculation is done using a budgetary process which takes into account regular expenditure and any proposed new expenditures during the forthcoming financial year.
The Precept for 2024/25 has been set at £30000.00 (No increase against last year)
Each year the Parish Council raises monies by way of the Council Tax which is collected through South Ribble Borough Council and appears on your Council Tax Bill if you are a resident of this parish. The monies are used to provide a range of services for the benefit of residents and are accounted for in the Parish Councils accounting systems. These records are audited locally in the first instance and then also by an independently appointed auditor who signs off the Annual Return for each year. Notices are placed on our notice boards when the audit has been completed and gives residents an opportunity to view the accounts should they so desire. The Parish Council are now required to publish the Annual Return on its web site and also the Statement of CIL monies that have been received and how they have been spent. The latter information is included with the end of year accounts summary which is also available below: